Local is running but nothing happens

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Local was working very fine for many month and last week, I tried to launch Local as usual but nothing happened… I’m on Mac and I can see Local is working on the dock and on the top menu bar but I have none window open.

I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall Local last version but the problem still persist.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:
    Local 9.0.5.

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    Macbook Pro M3 Pro with Sonoma 14.6.1

Sorry that you ran into this, @marcaureleg.

You could try this on macOS (Windows users reading this when Local doesn’t launch should try these steps instead):

  1. Quit Local if it’s running.
  2. Open the Finder.
  3. Choose Go → Go to Folder… from the Finder menu.
  4. Paste ~/Library/Application Support/Local and press Enter.
  5. Rename the sites-organization.json file to sites-organization-old.json and sites.json to sites-old.json.
  6. Start Local.

If Local then starts it will not show any sites, but don’t panic — you can import them manually from their original location on disk:

  1. Open the Finder, choose Go → Go to Folder…, paste ~/Local Sites and press enter.
  2. Right click each of your sites folders and choose “Compress [name of site]” to make a zip file from each site folder.
  3. Drag each zip file into Local to import it (you may have to give it a new name).

No “Local” folder in my “Application Support” folder…

You seem to be in /Library/Application Support/ (the system root library folder).

You need to look in ~/Library/Application Support/Local (the user library folder).

By default the user library folder is hidden in the Finder, but if you use the steps above I posted with Go → Go to folder (being sure to include the ~) it will reveal it.

Ok. I follow your instructions to go to the folder and rename the two .json files with “-old” suffix. After I reboot my computer and launch Local but the problem still persist. Local is working but I don’t have any windows from the app…

Thanks for trying that, @marcaureleg. You’re welcome to rename them back to the original names for now (by removing the -old suffix).

Please could you supply your logs so that we can see what might be preventing Local from loading?

Hi! Sorry for the answer delay…

Here are my logs files :
local-lightning-verbose.log (844.6 KB)
local-lightning-verbose1.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning.log (306.3 KB)

Thanks for these logs, @marcaureleg.

The logs show that Local can’t reach some servers it needs to talk to. Perhaps you’re blocking certain outgoing connections at the system or network level?

See the services that Local should be allowed to talk to by any network filters here:


{"class":"LightningServicesService","code":"ENOTFOUND","errno":"ENOTFOUND","level":"error","message":"request to https://getflywheel.github.io/local-lightning-services/site-services-v2.json failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND getflywheel.github.io"

Ok. I read your answer and the link you provided me, but how can I solve this problem? Where can I whitelist these services?

And most importantly, I don’t understand where this problem can come from because I didn’t make any changes between the time Local was working and my current problem…

Are using a work/office network or is this your home setup?

Is this your personal machine or one issued by your employer?

Sometimes when we run into this it’s because company issued hardware or network has it’s own security filtering in place.

Do you otherwise have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications installed?

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

It’s my personal machine and I work from my home network.
I cut Avast firewall and my Mac firewall.
The problem persists.

I’ve MAMP installed but not launched. I tried to launch MAMP and I just saw that it doesn’t work either… Only a bug report is displayed. So the problem is not only for Local.

Hi @marcaureleg

Some other items to check here:

  • Does your machine have enough free disk available? Sometimes if apps can’t open it’s because they don’t have enough space on the device to operate.

  • Do you have Rosetta 2 installed? Rosetta 2 is required for Local’s Apple Silicon build due to the Nginx and MySQL Lighting Services compiled on the Intel architecture. We do plan to have a Local release out in the future that will drop this dependency but for now it is necessary.

You can install Rosetta by opening up a terminal window and using this command:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

Others have found this doc to be helpful:

Yes, I have more than 250 GB available.
I installed Rosetta 2 via Terminal (but I think it was already installed).

After that, I uninstalled and reinstalled Local but still nothing happens… :disappointed:

Have you tried downgrading back to a version of Local when it was working normally for you?

I tried the 9.0.4 and 9.0.1 version. Nothing happend…
I’m the only one to encounter this bug ?! :worried:

Sorry that you’re still running into issues with this, @marcaureleg! We have not had widespread reports of this so far.

The fact that other applications won’t launch either suggests this could be system-wide rather than a problem with Local itself.

Did the MAMP bug report give you any clues about what was wrong?

Are you running any other applications other than your firewall that could restrict applications from running?

I spent my day trying to solve my problem and after deleting all I can on my Macbook, installing Clean My Mac and uninstalling everything I could with this software I reinstalled Local current version of Apple Silicon and… Local launched well!

I just have a big problem, I still have my folder containing my sites in development but Local does not offer me to open these sites and displays “Looks like you haven’t created any sites yet!” :face_holding_back_tears:

Hi @marcaureleg! Glad to hear you’ve made some progress! This part shouldn’t be too bad you can zip each site back up and then just drag and drop it over the Local app to use the native import function. We have instructions for that here, and as a backup option if you run into trouble importing a zip file we also have instructions for manually importing your content and DB into a new blank site as well.

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Great! Everything is fine now.
I’m just wondering what could have caused the initial bug…

Many thanks for your help!


We covered all of the “usual suspects” here but aren’t 100% sure what could have been the original culprit. If this happens again please let us know and we’ll be happy to continue trying to dig in. For now we’re glad things are working normally for you :slight_smile:

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