Local not working after deleting DesktopServer

I was doing some spring cleaning and deleted Desktop Server using their uninstall tool the other day.

I can’t recall if I had used Local in the last couple days since then, but now today my Local sites are no longer working.

Upon creating a new site I get the “Error: Missing hosts entry”. I checked my hosts file and didnt see the new sites domain. I clicked the repair button in Local and it added the domain to my hosts file, but site still doesnt work.

Here’s my hosts file in log format: hostsfile.log (3.7 KB)

I updated Virtual Box today, and that didn’t fix it.

Any ideas what I can do to get it working again?

And here’s the Local log: local-by-flywheel.log (52.8 KB)

Hi Andy,

I would check your /etc/hosts file and make sure there aren’t any left over DesktopServer entries there.

Here’s a good tutorial on how to edit the /etc/hosts file if you need it: http://www.imore.com/how-edit-your-macs-hosts-file-and-why-you-would-want

K I went in and deleted all traces of desktop server in the hosts file.

I still get the “missing hosts entry” notice on new site creation, and then after clicking repair, the site still doesnt load.

How can I do a complete reinstall of Local without losing my site data?

I feel like when i uninstalled Desktop Server it removed something that Local normally configures when you install it and run for the first time, but for some reason Local is not seeing it or noticing it or something…

Does this make sense at all?

Got impatient and decided to quit wasting time trying to recover the sites’ DBs. Deleted Local app support folder, removed virtualbox instance, reopened Local, went thru install process… All works like new… Now I get to recreate 3 websites. Oh joy :neutral_face:

Hi Andy,

Bummer! Glad to hear it’s working though!

Local will automatically export the database for sites every time they’re stopped. You can find the SQL data in the site folder then in app/sql