Not sure if people are having this issue, but for me, lately, LocalWP has not signaled that plugins need updating. Mostly it’s Elementor/Elementor Pro.
I have a plugin that hides the nags for updates, but I turned that off.
Still, the LocalWP site doesn’t highlight plugins that need updating.
I have to go find the newest copy of the plugin and instlal it “manually” (by uploading a ZIP).
What steps can be taken to replicate the issue?
I open up a local site, that has not been opened for several months. In theory there should be many updates required, but none are flagged.
It might be that there is a permissions or security blocker on your device that is preventing checks from happening.
For any premium plugins that require a license, make sure the license is up to date and that they don’t require any specific configuration for developing locally if the site also exists in a production environment.
We have a Windows Troubleshooting guide below that goes over some common items worth checking as well. For example, make sure you’re running Local as an admin user, that you don’t have any security blockers, and that Local has access to update your Hosts file.