"Local’s router is having trouble starting" on Linux, netstat/lsof/etc. shows nothing

When I try to start a site, I see the error I mention in the title. I tried many solutions, like router mode change, checking which process is using port 80 (by netstat, lsof, fuser), which displayed empty result. What could have happened? Any ideas? I added the latest logs below

System Details

  • Local Version: 9.0.5+6706

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version: PikaOS Linux 3 (Ubuntu-based)

local-lightning-verbose9.log (1009.9 KB)

local-lightning8.log (1009.9 KB)

It looks like those logs are filled with lines that look like this:

{"code":"EIO","errno":-5,"level":"error","message":"EIO: i/o error, write","stack":"Error: EIO: i/o error, write\n    at writeSync (node:fs:936:3)\n    at SyncWriteStream._write (node:internal/fs/sync_write_stream:27:5)\n    at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12)\n    at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10)\n    at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10)\n    at Console.log (%%appPath%%/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/transports/console.js:79:23)\n    at Console._write (%%appPath%%/node_modules/winston-transport/index.js:103:17)\n    at doWrite (%%appPath%%/node_modules/winston-transport/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:409:139)\n    at writeOrBuffer (%%appPath%%/node_modules/winston-transport/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:398:5)\n    at Writable.write (%%appPath%%/node_modules/winston-transport/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:307:11)","syscall":"write","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-07-29T12:57:03.691Z"}

Given that this is happening while the Router is trying to start, I wonder if that’s because Local is having trouble writing to the hosts file?

When you started the site, were you prompted for your system password? If so, did you enter it and it still failed, or were you never prompted for the password?

As another test, can you try enabling the localhost Router Mode from “Preferences > Advanced” and try starting the site? You’ll likely be prompted to update the site urls, but Local will do that for you. By using localhost router mode, you’ll bypass the router. For more details on that feature, see our help doc: What is Router Mode? - Local

Thanks for reply. Yes, I was prompted for password and I entered it correctly (I think so, espesially I was writing carefully, letter by letter). I also tried localhost Router Mode and problem still exists. Moreover, I checked /etc/hosts file and the app wrote entries associated with my setup

Interesting. If it’s broken with localhost router mode, then that likely means it’s not the router specifically having problems – that’s just where the error is bubbling up.

Did this happen after an upgrade? If so, are you able to downgrade to an earlier version by re-installing on of the releases: Releases - Local

I didn’t make any upgrade, because it was fresh install. I tried older versions (9.0.3, 8.3.2) and it’s the same

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