Local settings to export to Apache server

Hello @clay thank for the version 5.5.3 which has option to change the web server. I am. developing a site which will finish up on the following server configuration:

Web Server : Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS).

Maria DB 10.4.12 https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-10412-release-notes/ Release date: 28 Jan 2020

PHP: 7.4

How should I set up Local 5.5.3 so that it exports and imports on its Apache home?


Are you referring to the directory that apache is serving?
This isn’t officially supported, but you could try editing SITENAME/conf/apache/site.conf/bs.
You’ll need to start/top your site after making edits to the config.

So I gather that is does not matter which version of Apache server I am transferring the site to. Just as long as it’s Apache.

If so, thank you. The solution to the issue was the 5.5.3 update which @clay posted. This finally allows us to choose web server type.

Local is running well, and will consider upgrading to the premium once we get a few sites out with it. So far it’s a very fast development environment compared to other local server environments.

Nice to hear from you @flyjack You can disregard the as yet unanswered email I sent you on 2 April, 2020.

Thank you.

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