Hi Clay,
Thanks for your email below.
I haven’t responded to David Rapsey yet. However, if you could pass this on to him, I’d appreciate it very much.
I have actioned all 3 of the suggestions David so kindly offered, several times, but sadly, the problem remains as before…
If I continually click on “admin” or “view site” for a website running on Local, I get the error “Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at webinate.local.” This error is the same for all common browsers.
If I wait long enough, and click on “admin” or “view site” often enough, eventually I get access, and the Browser will generally allow me to move through the WP Admin system OK, except when I want to update plugins – then I get the “Unable to connect” error in the browser again. Strangely, when this happens, I find that the plugin has actually managed to update correctly.
I can see that my issue is common across a lot of users, and it’s really frustrating. I’m sure you guys are just as frustrated too!
I see enormous potential for my freelance business with Flywheel hosting and Local, but I’m reluctant to commit until I can get this issue sorted out. I have spent countless hours on a range of issues with Local, and one-by-one each issue has been resolved – other than how slow Local runs on my machine – although that has improved with updates recently – to some degree.
I notice that Pantheon https://pantheon.io/ allow unlimited Dev sites and only charge once the site goes live. I wonder if you guys at Flywheel might consider doing this until we can get Local rock solid.
Thanks again Clay.
Best regards,
David Caudwell
Web Designer
Design, Development, Marketing & Support
0419 216 000 m: 0419 216 000
PO Box 1113, Geraldton, WA, 6531
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