Local's router is having trouble starting Windows 10 Pro version 1909

Hi, I have problem with the port 443.
Does not allow displaying the local web page.

Help please.

Hello, I managed to solve it.

It had VMWARE installed so it was giving port 443 problems.

  • In Cmd administrator mode executes: netstat -ano
    and it visualizes the ID that contains the port 443 executing, in my case it is 8604 that belongs to vmware-hostd.exe



  • Go to Vmware β†’ File β†’ Preferences β†’ Shared Vms and change port 443 to 8443

-In the β€œLocal application (by Flywheel)” stops the execution of the site and starts again.

  • Try the view site, it works great!


error.log (13.1 KB)


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