Migrating live Multisite to a local version

Hey Guys,

I’m trying to migrate my live multisite to a local version with localbyflywheel. Iv followed the steps using this article https://www.webnots.com/move-live-wordpress-site-to-local-server-using-local-by-flywheel/

  • the only diffidence I’v made is to install a multi-site version of localbyflywheel.
  • I’v also changed the DB prefix so it matches the live DB prefix instead of the default wp_

the issue is I’m the site doesn’t load and Im getting this error


Edited: So Iv managed to solve this issue by using this tool Iv seen in other posts

But now I ran into a different issues,

1.it seems that the connection is unsecured and the site is trying to run on https Iv tried using the SSL option on flywheel, but with no luck.

2.I cant find my multi site network dashboard, plugins menu etc. not sure what causing this

**I have to mention that my multi site had 1 subdomain when I exported all the DB and they are probably in some tables. so if I’m changing the site url etc… do I need to change it for the subdoamin that was there at the time?

any idea why its causing that? and how to fix?

Cheers to all :slight_smile:

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