Bonjour, j’ai un problème avec Local, lorsque je mets la version php 7.3.5 je peux me connecter avec admin et aller sur le Dashboard de wordpress mais mon thème n’est pas compatible avec cette version. Lorsque je mets une version plus recente que 7.3.5 la version de wordpress ne se charge pas sur le dashboard de local et j’ai le message 502 Mauvaise passerelle nginx/1.16.0.
Comment puis-je réparer ce bug alors que tout fonctionnait bien. J’ai l’impression que la mise à jour de Localwp Version 9.0.1+6673 a provoqué ce problème. J’ai downgradé la version mais j’ai toujours le problème bad gateway 502. Avez-vous des solutions, je ne suis pas un expert. Merci beaucoup d’avance pour votre aide, j’apprécie.
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Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.
Hello, thank you for helping me. Since the last Local update, the WordPress version no longer appears, so when I open the wp admin, I get a blank page with a ‘Bad Gateway 502 nginx/1.16.0’ error. I don’t want to start the website over.
Yes, I downgraded the version, but the only PHP version that allows me to access the WordPress dashboard is version 7.3.5. Any version later than this, the WordPress version does not appear. I only see dots as if it were trying to load, and when I go to wp admin, I get a blank page with the message “bad gateway 502”. My WordPress theme is not compatible with version 7.3.5. I have tried things to the best of my knowledge but to no avail. I also noticed on the Local pull and push dashboard, before I could choose the Flywheel server, and now I don’t have that option anymore. I’ve been stuck for two days doing research.
I will take another look next Monday and will get back to you if I haven’t resolved the issue. Thank you very much for your help, I’m signing off for now.
thank you very much Nick, I tried this solution and everything worked. I greatly appreciate your help. I wish you a wonderful day, and thanks again, you saved me hours of work.