My new site doesn't appear in my dashboard on the left

Hi everyone,

I need to create several different sites on Local.

As you can see, I was able to create 2 without any problems. But when I create a third one (the one I’m on now, called “Site.démo 2”), it doesn’t show up in the list of all my sites on the left.

As a result, if I quit the dashboard, close the application or simply change site, I have no way of accessing “Site.démo 2” again, because I only have 2 sites on the list on the left, although I’ve created 3 in all…

Any suggestions?

Thanks to all!

Hi @yanisdc,

  1. Confirmed it does work for “Site.démo 2”, even with the accented e, on a Macbook M2 running latest Ventura OS and LocalWP 9.2.0+6762.
  2. Confirmed it does work for “Site.démo 3” into a custom directory.
  3. Confirmed it does work for both (2 & 3) with Apache instead of Nginx.

While these are not the answer you are looking for … could you ensure that the LocalWP application is fully updated (reboot after update if your using windows OS) and then try recreating “Site.démo 2” using only all the default options. You can change the preferred configuration later.

If that does not work, try it again, without the accented character “Site.demo 2” and see if that makes a difference.

How did you go with the above suggestions?

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Thank you, John !

Indeed, when I wake up this morning after updating my computer, the site is miraculously appearing! Everything is good now.

Have a great day John!


Thank you for updating here @yanisdc! Glad to hear things are working again. Appreciate the help @johnlang86!

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