I recently updated from “Local Classic” to “Local Lighting” on my Windows 10 machine, since “Local Classic” is no longer supported. First, thank you for creating an easy-to-use local WordPress hosting environment. Unfortunately, while Local Lightning is indeed more performant than Local Classic, I came across a problem with my WordPress development (version 5.6.2). Specifically, I use Duplicator Lite by Snap Creek, which simplifies the process of backing up and/or migrating a WordPress site. I’ve used this plugin and its various updates for about two years without incident. It has worked when migrating WordPress web sites to/from my local development & remote production environments and solely within my local development environment when I work on multiple versions of a WordPress web site in development.
Nothing else being changed, I immediately experienced a problem with this plugin when I switched over to “Local Lightning”. Since this particular plugin is important to my workflow, I decided for now to revert back to “Local Classic” if and until this issue is resolved. In summary, each time I attempt to run a WordPress web site in “Local Lightning” migrated via Duplicator Lite, I encounter the following error message:
“Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
For details about this error, please see my post to the WordPress Duplicator Lite forum: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-access-after-wp-site-duplication/?loggedout=true. As I noted in that post, I wonder if I need to change a “Local Lightning” configuration setting due it natively running under Windows 10, where this was not required with “Local Lightning” because its virtual machine environment was less restrictive in terms of access permissions. Of course, this is shot in the dark on my part. Also, I do not wish to imply there is a problem with “Local Lightning”. More likely, there is an oversite on my part.
I appreciate your investigating this issue and providing feedback. Thank you.