Pushing Local database changes Remote from https to http

Pushing Local database changes Remote from https to http.
I tried recreating my local environment from a site that had it’s URLs explicitly set to https and it seemed to work at first, but now is changing them back to http.

Can we get Local to keep https on the remote URLs?

Is your Router Mode set to Localhost @alvarix? Localhost only supports HTTP but you can utilize Site Domains for HTTPS as long as you don’t have any other applications conflicting with Local.

Preferences>Advanced>Router Mode

Hi Nick,
thanks for the response.
I tried setting to local domains, when I opened the local domain url I just see the httpd page:
It Works!

I see that there are entries in the Hosts file for the domain, but I forget all the steps to configure local URLs (that’s why Im using Local!).

Can you give me any pointers on how to set this up?

Hi @alvarix

What do you need to configure in the Hosts file? You shouldn’t have to set anything in there manually. If you just want to do a Search and Replace to make sure all of the domains in your site are routing from HTTP to HTTPS you can use the Open Site Shell function and then CLI in the terminal window that pops up.

If you’re still having trouble can you provide these details for us as well?

  • What is your OS?

  • What version of Local are you on?

  • Please attach a copy of your Local Logs

Keep us posted and we’d be happy to help further!

I remember if Im seeing the httpd conf message it means that hosts or vhosts is not configed.

The open shell function doesnt do anything when I click it in Local, even after restarting App.
I also tried to get wpcli running locally but it says it cant Connect to the Database.

Mac OS 14.5
Version 9.0.3+6684
local-logs.zip (57.4 KB)

Your Router Log is filled with what looks like Port Conflicts. Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications that could be blocking Local? Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

I do sometimes run a Vite project but im not running it now.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to manage ports, seem hard to do.
Does this shed any light?

sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP

httpd      1141           root    4u  IPv6 0xa054746b912195e0      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd      1141           root    5u  IPv4 0xcccd3c2c38862245      0t0    TCP *:* (CLOSED)
rapportd   1616    alvarsirlin    8u  IPv4 0xbbf3018ab86c0eed      0t0    TCP *:61203 (LISTEN)
rapportd   1616    alvarsirlin    9u  IPv6 0xc5d7daf4bec16f43      0t0    TCP *:61203 (LISTEN)
rapportd   1616    alvarsirlin   20u  IPv6 0xb86b6514f4d77105      0t0    TCP [fe80:c::1c93:d95f:d153:247d]:61203->[fe80:c::57:b75a:2d5c:6136]:54921 (ESTABLISHED)
rapportd   1616    alvarsirlin   23u  IPv6 0x576d5b46faa45a69      0t0    TCP [fe80:c::1c93:d95f:d153:247d]:61212->[fe80:c::c5b:2cb3:320a:b181]:49153 (ESTABLISHED)
identitys  1634    alvarsirlin   56u  IPv6 0xf02089c0b4aba195      0t0    TCP [fe80:13::3085:e137:202b:701d]:1024->[fe80:13::c4cc:7577:2d6:2827]:1024 (ESTABLISHED)
identitys  1634    alvarsirlin   60u  IPv6 0x1c315a4ec39229f8      0t0    TCP [fe80:13::3085:e137:202b:701d]:1025->[fe80:13::c4cc:7577:2d6:2827]:1026 (ESTABLISHED)
identitys  1634    alvarsirlin   61u  IPv6 0x1c315a4ec39229f8      0t0    TCP [fe80:13::3085:e137:202b:701d]:1025->[fe80:13::c4cc:7577:2d6:2827]:1026 (ESTABLISHED)
ControlCe  1715    alvarsirlin    5u  IPv4 0x987063d7ce935d31      0t0    TCP *:7000 (LISTEN)
ControlCe  1715    alvarsirlin    6u  IPv6 0xcf7ba0e632b474be      0t0    TCP *:7000 (LISTEN)
ControlCe  1715    alvarsirlin    7u  IPv4 0xd8140f5a97d99d73      0t0    TCP *:5000 (LISTEN)
ControlCe  1715    alvarsirlin    8u  IPv6 0x8e3e476c8296beb6      0t0    TCP *:5000 (LISTEN)
httpd      1784           _www    4u  IPv6 0xa054746b912195e0      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd      1784           _www    5u  IPv4 0xcccd3c2c38862245      0t0    TCP *:* (CLOSED)
Spotify    2199    alvarsirlin   47u  IPv4 0x66c7e036d0fc3b3e      0t0    TCP *:50349 (LISTEN)
Spotify    2199    alvarsirlin   65u  IPv4 0xa53b38d15bd9103e      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Spotify    2199    alvarsirlin   80u  IPv4  0xffc93aaa4bbca4c      0t0    TCP *:57621 (LISTEN)
Spotify    2199    alvarsirlin  160u  IPv4 0x8c8fb1cfa3177945      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Spotify    2238    alvarsirlin   23u  IPv6 0x31f770b4aa135d9b      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:61308->[2600:1901:1:510::]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Simplenot  2428    alvarsirlin   19u  IPv4 0x302550adf2e0c5f9      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Adobe\x20  4018    alvarsirlin   17u  IPv4 0xb8ee0dbe7d794c32      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
node       4064    alvarsirlin   33u  IPv4 0x9fd629f73258de0f      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
node       4064    alvarsirlin   34u  IPv4 0x7e3b59e0658e7bb4      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
node       4064    alvarsirlin   38u  IPv4 0x460c0080e94ce9bf      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
node       4064    alvarsirlin   39u  IPv4 0xc530644685d4ae65      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   19u  IPv6 0x57d1a5d33074b45a      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:61092->[2607:f8b0:4004:c08::bc]:5228 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   23u  IPv4 0xa5c0d56901679fff      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   32u  IPv6 0xb2ada71fdcc96ea0      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:62192->[2600:9000:24f0:3000:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   33u  IPv4 0x74f3a85774d892b8      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   34u  IPv6 0x60266f5158df58ea      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:62193->[2600:9000:24f0:3000:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   36u  IPv6 0xbbd1bb566fd21f20      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:52324->[2602:fd3f:3:ff01::2b]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   41u  IPv6 0xbfc0afc06338ac58      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:62194->[2600:9000:24f0:3000:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   42u  IPv4 0xcfe2ad9c7a016709      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   43u  IPv6 0x6bd549a09bea0e0b      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:61364->[2600:9000:24f0:8400:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   44u  IPv6 0xaba6d43b6d5f6ddd      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:62196->[2600:9000:24f0:3000:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   45u  IPv4 0x36a77f3aaa27dbf6      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   46u  IPv6 0x8f16ed15813987fa      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:62198->[2600:9000:24f0:3000:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   48u  IPv4 0x2f0096851ca02ff5      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   49u  IPv4  0x318e4b4850c710f      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   50u  IPv6 0xcd4350751afa43ac      0t0    TCP [2600:4808:7114:5601:7842:b1f:7e1:1796]:62200->[2600:9000:24f0:3000:0:1ef2:3580:93a1]:443 (ESTABLISHED)
Google    14658    alvarsirlin   51u  IPv4 0xbdcbde51c488c359      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Local     21957    alvarsirlin   28u  IPv4 0xf2802d1ac7fce783      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
Local     21957    alvarsirlin   63u  IPv4 0x5eb574285c9725a8      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Local\x20 21960    alvarsirlin   19u  IPv4 0x2b5e59affb98a31a      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
mailpit   26310    alvarsirlin   11u  IPv6 0x3331f509ac34bacd      0t0    TCP *:10001 (LISTEN)
mailpit   26310    alvarsirlin   12u  IPv6 0x945098a2f5a134e0      0t0    TCP *:10000 (LISTEN)
nginx     26312    alvarsirlin    5u  IPv4 0x1e1003ac81e9ab9a      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
nginx     26312    alvarsirlin    6u  IPv6 0xc37a065bf388d5ac      0t0    TCP [::1]:10003 (LISTEN)
mysqld    26313    alvarsirlin   52u  IPv4 0xf8fa1038b8b98e12      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
mysqld    26313    alvarsirlin   54u  IPv6  0xc36d80493750527      0t0    TCP [::1]:10004 (LISTEN)
nginx     26315    alvarsirlin    5u  IPv4 0x1e1003ac81e9ab9a      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
nginx     26315    alvarsirlin    6u  IPv6 0xc37a065bf388d5ac      0t0    TCP [::1]:10003 (LISTEN)
php       28303    alvarsirlin    5u  IPv4 0xaf5ae47634c0dba4      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
httpd     30269           _www    4u  IPv6 0xa054746b912195e0      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd     30269           _www    5u  IPv4 0xcccd3c2c38862245      0t0    TCP *:* (CLOSED)
httpd     33627           _www    4u  IPv6 0xa054746b912195e0      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd     33627           _www    5u  IPv4 0xcccd3c2c38862245      0t0    TCP *:* (CLOSED)
httpd     33628           _www    4u  IPv6 0xa054746b912195e0      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd     33628           _www    5u  IPv4 0xcccd3c2c38862245      0t0    TCP *:* (CLOSED)
httpd     33629           _www    4u  IPv6 0xa054746b912195e0      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd     33629           _www    5u  IPv4 0xcccd3c2c38862245      0t0    TCP *:* (CLOSED)
Dropbox   34632    alvarsirlin   93u  IPv4  0xc44336a2b196793      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Dropbox   34632    alvarsirlin   94u  IPv4 0x3ecec9905e74da06      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Dropbox   34632    alvarsirlin  153u  IPv4 0x8a43ceac512c3334      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
Dropbox   34632    alvarsirlin  154u  IPv4  0xa2f89a2541981e6      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
DropboxFi 34640    alvarsirlin   25u  IPv4 0x214027cb1da86a2b      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
DropboxFi 34640    alvarsirlin   26u  IPv4 0xec7eccf2fd1fb672      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   21u  IPv4 0x2e8b4683f55b984b      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   22u  IPv4  0xf6fba902bb87f9f      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   25u  IPv4 0x291f2d5199b553c0      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   26u  IPv4 0x3116221e9371b5fd      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   28u  IPv4 0x4bd21e784ad959ee      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   31u  IPv4 0xb65c586c66973ecd      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Figma\x20 36091    alvarsirlin   36u  IPv4 0xf85110e0e4c1c8a4      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
figma_age 36100    alvarsirlin    6u  IPv4 0x35b5a0fae9385e52      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
figma_age 36100    alvarsirlin   10u  IPv4 0xa855547efb34ef52      0t0    TCP (LISTEN)
ssh       40965    alvarsirlin    5u  IPv4 0x68363c3fdf0dacd8      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Here are some steps to help us identify and address this:

  • Stop all sites that are running in Local

  • Force quit Local

  • (If using Mac) Run the command lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN

  • (If using Windows) Run the command netstat -ano

What you’ll be looking for here is to see when sites are stopped and Local is properly shut down if there are still programs running on ports 80 and 443. These may be conflicting with Local or the system may be reporting Local is still running.

Once you run that command you should see a list of listening ports. If you see a particular program making use of those ports, you can then kill that process by running sudo kill -9 XXX where XXX is the PID number of that process. (On Windows you will use taskkill /F /pid XXX where XXX is the PID number of that process)

After that, you should be able to retry. Keep us posted if you have any questions or continuing issues.

There are also some more details around this and other troubleshooting steps at this link if needed: Stopping Whatever Is Listening On Port 80.

Trying this again to see if it can solve my 404 problems from the other thread.

Tried the steps above.
Didnt find anythign on 80 or 443

Local still complaining that there is a port conflict.
If I start the site anyway and go to the url provided I still get the It Works!
Here’s lsof after starting the site:

Do you guys have any phone support?

Since Local is a popular and free product, we do not offer any priority support including virtual or phone support.

Would you be able to share a fresh set of logs here so we can see if anything else stands out?

local-lightning-verbose.log (42.0 KB)

Going back to this comment of yours above, it still seems like something on your machine is locking things down or acting as a blocker here.

Is this a work/company issued machine? Maybe there are certain apps or privileges that are getting in the way here.

No sir. Personal computer

Was this your first time using Local when you created your post? Curious if it worked normally in the past if you had used it before but noticed changes after an update.

Do you have another machine you can test with?

It was working flawlessly for a few months.
I dont have another machine unfortunately.

Glad to hear it was working flawlessly for awhile. Have you tried downgrading to a point where it was working to see if that resolves the issue?

Sorry, I got mixed up with the 404 thread.
The site domains never worked for me.