Hello !
I try to do an export of a remote Wordpress Flywheel site using wp-cli :
wp --http=mysite.flywheelstaging.com rest export
I get :
Error: Couldn’t auto-discover WP REST API endpoint from mysite.flywheelstaging.com
When I try using a Local instance :
wp --http=mysite.local rest export
Then I get :
Error: Failed to get url ‘http://www.mysite.local’: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate.
Also, it is ok locally with just :
wp export
I also checked that those url were returning rest API infos :
Is it the right way to do such exports ? Some hints to share?
I tried to execute some export commands using ssh (before an scp) but it also failed :
ssh myusername+staging+mysite@ssh.getflywheel.com \
wp export``
returns :
bash: line 1: Starting: command not found
Strange because the same command with only pwd
returns a result. Clearly not an expert of ssh commands …
Could someone tell me how to achieve such an export ?
Thanks for help.