Testing out the beta for Local, it’s been great so far and can’t wait for more features to be implemented.
Having a minor issue, I installed Sequel Pro but it still says “Download Sequel Pro” after downloading it. Is there a way for me to ‘connect’ it to local?
I’ve switched over to use Adminer but I do prefer Sequel Pro.
@afragen is right and helpful, but… neither Local 5.0.6 nor 5.0.7 connect to SequelPro correctly. You can manually put in the socket information (Andy has a post on this) if you’re a masochist.
Otherwise… @andrewlima do what I imagine most people are doing which is to use 5.0.5 (released in September 2019). That’s generally stable.
Wait… 5.1.11? I thought the beta program was dead. In fact after 5.0.6/7 being release all buggy and no fixes for months now I was starting to think the entire thing was dead.