Issue Summary
I’ve just reinstalled Windows 11 Pro and downloaded LocalWP today.
When I create 2 sites today, in both cases I received an error during the site creation process:
command failed
error: parameter errors:
missing --admin_email parameter (the email address for the admin user)
is not recognized as an internal or external command
In both cases, I entered the username as the same string as the admin email address.
Troubleshooting Questions
Happens for all sites
In LocalWP, in the site’s control panel, the site domain’s “working” animated gif is active and never goes away, and in the left side bar, the site’s name is in red.
Download today’s version of LocalWP on Windows 11 64-bit Pro. Add a site. During the site creation process use the same admin email address for the username.
System Details
Which version of Local is being used? 6.4.3
What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used?
- Windows 11 Pro-64-bit.
Attach the Local Log. See this Help Doc for instructions on how to do so:
- (3.0 KB)