Site unable to be Pulled due to Command Failed MySQL

@ryker002, I got a chance to dig into the error that you’re getting when pulling your site down from Flywheel and it looks like the import process is struggling with the database a bit. From the looks of the log entry, we see this:

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1409 in file: '/Users/jameslewandowski/Local Sites/dogswell/app/public/.connect-pull.sql': Duplicate entry '\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\xEF\\xBF\\xBD\\xEF\\xBF\\xBD' for key 'PRIMARY'\n\n

This looks like a well known issue with trying to move WordFence tables from one environment to another. Because of the way WF stores table information, it can often times cause a bit of friction. Here’s a post with a resolution that has worked for quite a few people: