(solved) Error provisioning site on fresh install / new laptop

Trying to create a new site after a fresh install on a brand new M3 MacBook Pro (Sonoma 14.1).

I get this error:

And then after clicking OK I get this error after the app enters the ‘deleting’ state:

Any insights are appreciated. Thanks.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

Creating a new site, and hitting all of the defaults (preferred + default location). Happens 100% of the time.

System Details

  • Local Version:
    Version 8.2.1+6583

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    MacOS Sonoma 14.1

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

{"class":"SiteProvisionerService","level":"info","message":"Creating site folders...","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:09.119Z"}
{"class":"SiteProvisionerService","level":"info","message":"Copying service config templates...","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:09.121Z"}
{"class":"ConfigTemplatesService","level":"info","message":"Compiling service configs...","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:09.129Z"}
{"dataPath":"%%site.runData%%/mysql/data","level":"info","message":"Initializing MySQL datadir...","service":{},"serviceBinVersion":{},"thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:09.143Z"}
{"class":"SiteProvisionerService","level":"error","message":"Unable to provision site.","stack":"Error: spawn Unknown system error -86\n    at ChildProcess.spawn (node:internal/child_process:413:11)\n    at spawn (node:child_process:783:9)\n    at execFile (node:child_process:359:17)\n    at t.<computed> (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:2:2265)\n    at %%appPath%%/main/_helpers/execFilePromise.js:1:583\n    at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n    at Object.<anonymous> (%%appPath%%/main/_helpers/execFilePromise.js:1:534)\n    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)\n    at %%appPath%%/main/_helpers/execFilePromise.js:1:330\n    at new Promise (<anonymous>)","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:09.144Z"}
{"eventId":"1c5f34e022514af09a53170e31680c80","level":"warn","message":"Unhandled Rejection.","p":{},"reason":{"code":"Unknown system error -86","errno":-86,"syscall":"spawn"},"thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:11.278Z"}
{"class":"DeleteSiteService","level":"info","message":"Deleting %%site.runData%%","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:11.281Z"}
{"class":"HostsFileService","level":"debug","message":"Updating hosts","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:12.041Z"}
{"class":"HostsFileService","level":"info","message":"Updating hosts with","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:12.042Z"}
{"class":"HostsFileService","level":"debug","message":"Updating hosts with command","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:12.042Z","updateCommand":"/Applications/Local.app/Contents/MacOS/Local","updateCommandArgs":["%%appPath%%/main/dns/workers/updateHostsFileWorker.js"]}
{"class":"HostsFileService","error":{},"exitCode":{},"level":"error","message":"Could not update hosts.","stderr":{},"stdout":{},"thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-02-22T05:24:12.087Z"}

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Solved it. Looks like I needed Rosetta installed. Thanks.

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Good catch @_sh! For those checking, Rosetta 2 is required for Local’s Apple Silicon build due to the Nginx and MySQL Lighting Services compiled on the Intel architecture. We do plan to have a Local release out in the future that will drop this dependency but for now it is necessary.

You can install Rosetta by opening up a terminal window and using this command:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

Others have found this doc to be helpful:


Thanks again. That particular OSX Daily article is spammy with advertisements. Would be great to see a more official/less spammy set of instructions for installing Rosetta 2.

Sorry about that. Really just using the command should work and has for most. Hopefully we won’t have a need for either soon :slight_smile:

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