SSL Certificate for deployment

Hi, I have finished developing using wordpress&Local. Now the wordpress site is to be deployed in a university environment in a server managed by us. I have acquired a domain from our IT department but we need to do web security report before it can go on further. My question is: I need to install a university SSL certificate inside the local. Is using Local even the way to do it? The domain/website can already be seen in the internal environment

Hi @iei-hicoe

Do you have a web host ready to transfer the website to? I recommend moving the site to wherever it’s going to be hosted first for a few reasons, mainly that your security report will also flag any vulnerabilities specific to the hosting environment. One the site is set up on hosting as well you’ll be able to add the domain and SSL directly there as well.


I have a server ready to host. It can already be seen using the domain attached to the server (port 80 is already open for the server).

So my plan was to open the server and just let the localwp run indefinitely as it already has nginx, database, wordpress version taken care of. Is this the correct way or I have to redo the web server nginx to later be able to install the SSL Certificate provided by our University’s IT department?

This isn’t the intended functionality of Local which is just meant to be an offline WordPress development application, not a tool for web hosting. Our recommendation would be to configure your server with its own NGINX/WordPress setup or use a managed web hosting solution.

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