Sync cloud backup

Would be cool if we could update or override an existing site, with the current one.
And also replace a current site with a backed up one.

  1. So I develop site1 on Mac one, back it up with the cloud backup.
  2. Create a new site from the backup on my second Mac.
  3. When done working on it on the second mac, instead of making a new backup, it should be able to update or replace the existing backup.
  4. I should then be able to “refresh” the site on the first Mac (replacing it with the now updated backup), instead of having to delete the existing site and download a new version.

I work with like 60 sites in localWP at a time, and constantly shifts between working on my intel 2020 iMac and Silicon MacBook … so this sort of thing would really make the “syncing” experience a lot nicer, more seemless and easier to keep track of the backups - also should not be that hard to implement, given how far you guys already are with the cloud backup system.

It does not have to be a perfect solution, but just a bit better than it is now, would be really awesome.

Really love the environment btw.
Loves the cloud backup option.
Thank you for your work on this thing, love localWP.

Best regards,

Thank you for your feature request @Heliotropen! Making the ability to work between other environments more seamless and improving backups are definitely things we’ve had on our radar and hope to improve down the road.

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