Hi I am trying to upload a theme to Local but keep getting the following error I have also tried to upload Dvi 3 but still get same error
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
What version of local and OS are you on? 
I installed Local today and my OS is Windows 10 (home)
The latest 2.2.1 pre release or 2.1.2 stable?
Hi I downloaded pre release 2.2.1 should I detlete and get stable?
No normally it should work.
Can you maybe send the zip file of the theme so i can test here? 
Who do I send zip file too?
You can upload the zip file via the upload button.
Then attach you zip file to upload in a reply.
Just a quick more question.
Are you using preferred environment or a custom one?
Can you try install this zip as theme? 
sweetdate.zip (3.1 MB)
That has worked thank you. May ask what you did so I know for next time?
the theme zip file was in a seperate folder of the file you uploaded.
So just unzip the file if you get an error message to make sure it is the right file.
You can unzip the file from themeforest you’ll see seperate folders.
There is also documentation for you theme in there.
Can you mark the post as solved? 
OK thanks feel a bit silly now lol
And before I can even help, @Webtica has saved the day, thank you!
My thoughts straight away were the typical nested folders of themes after here downloaded from a provider.
Anyhow, If there is anything else, please do let us know. Have a great day gang!
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