Trouble importing wp site

Issue Summary

Hey, I’ve been following local tuto to import an already exiting site into local. I’ve download the wp-content file from the server using filezilla, also i created a dump from every database that seems in use for the website. And put everything under a file that i zipped.

While importing i get a message " Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat’/var/folders/vw/…/.sql’

would you have an idea from where i could have make a mistake/forget something?

thank you

Hello there, Paul! :wave: Welcome to the Local Community!

Following the tutorial below, it may be helpful to export using a plugin like BackWPup to ensure you have all of the files you need:

Are you able to try that?

:woman_technologist:t3: Sam

thank you very much for the answer,
I used BackWPup and it seems to work.
But I have a fatal error saying there is a missing file and "its not buildable : permission denied in /users/…/ "
would you recommend me to download again the website include more folders ?


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Hello, Paul!

That’s great - yes I would try downloading everything using that plugin.

There is also a video tutorial about how to use the BackWPup on that plugin page.

:woman_technologist:t3: Sam

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