Trying to Install New Relic or find another code profiling solution that digs deep like New Relic APM can

Issue Summary

I’m trying to install New Relic on a Local site but I don’t see a way to do that exactly that installs to the correct PHP config and site.

Or has anyone seen another code profiling option that gives deeper analysis like New Relic APM can?

Typically I use Query Monitor but find that won’t give me timing on heavy methods.

System Details

  • Which version of Local is being used? 6.7.0+6347
  • What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used? macOS Monterey 12.6.3
  • PHP version on the Local site: 8.0.22 but I’m interested in getting this working for other PHP versions too
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Hi @sc0ttkclark

I’ve never tried setting up New Relic with Local, not to say it isn’t possible but I’m not sure what it may require to work right. You might have to get your site migrated to a Staging or Demo site to be able to get the functionality you are looking for if it’s not working correctly in the Local environment. Normally I would recommend something like Query Monitor which we use often but it sounds like that doesn’t suit your purposes here.

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