Uh-oh! WE ran into an issue when updating the table prefix from WP Engine

Is anyone else running into the You might need to set the $table_prefix variable in the wp-config.php on WP Egine to “wp_” error or know how to resolve this. Was just on support with WPengine and they said it’s a known bug in the Local app

Hi @davidklotz11 ! Thank you for reaching out about this. Would you be able to share your local log here? We’ve seen this issue come up from time to time but I don’t believe it has always been the same culprit. Retrieving Local’s Log File

Hey @davidklotz11 - another troubleshooting step we have seen resolve this error is to try and disconnect Local from WPE and then reconnect by generating a new key using this help doc: https://localwp.com/help-docs/connect/getting-started-with-connect-to-wp-engine/

local-lightning.log (13.1 KB)

I’ve attached my log file. What you suggested about disconnecting and creating a new API key seems to have worked. Thanks for that suggestion!

Glad to hear it David! Thank you for reaching out!

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