Unable to find DB_Name, DB_User, DB_Password after importing new Wordpress Site to Local


I am new to local by Flywheel. I’ve exported my Wordpress site from my existing host using the Wordpress Plugin BackWup and then imported the zip file into local by Flywheel. However, after the import I get a message saying “Unable to find Database”

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

I’m sorry to hear about the site import troubles you are having. It looks like the import had troubles or maybe even the export.

We’ve seen the most success with a exporting a hosted site by using the Duplicator plugin. Could you by chance try using that to export your hosted site?

After that is successful, be sure to drag and drop the zip file into Local to perform the import. You can find more information about importing a site here.

I have this same issue, and I did use Duplicator to export my site. My import on the Local side matched - in general terms - the information on the page you provided.

Do you have a solution to this issue? What information can I provide - I have searched through the support topics going back a couple of years, and have not seen a public reply on how to remedy this issue. I’d be grateful to help on this issue.
