Unable to import site with zip exported localhost

What issue or error are you experiencing?

i get the incompatible zip file

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

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Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

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Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hey @yoelsam – Welcome to the Local Community Forums!

It’s hard to say what’s going on without more info. Can you respond to the questions asked when initially creating this forum topic? Specifically:

  • What version of Local are you using?
  • What Operating System and OS version is being used?
  • Can provide the Local Logs? You can get a zip of those logs by clicking the “Download Local Log” button from the “Support” tab of Local. See this help doc for more information:
  • Can you describe in a little more detail what was going on when you encountered this error?
  • What version of Local are you using?
    Version 7.2.1+6433
  • What Operating System and OS version is being used?
    Windows 11 v22H2
  • Can provide the Local Logs?

I am having a similar issue, in that I have exported the site using WPVivid but local “couldn’t figure out what to do with it”. I have also tried ZIPing up just the ‘wp-content’ folder and adding the database file but that doesn’t work either.

(Annoyingly, I have done it successfully before but can’t remember how!)


local-logs.zip (17.7 KB)

I had never heard of this plugin, but installed and tried making a backup. It looks like the structure of that zip is one parent zip file, and then each of the individual items of the site (content, plugins, themes, db…) are in a zip as well:

That makes sense that Local doesn’t know what to do with the zip, so I think your options are to either:

  1. Create a new site in Local, install the WPVivid plugin, and restore the site using the plugin
  2. Unzip all the zips of the backup and pull them together as outlined in the Manually import a Local Site section
  3. Use the WP Migrate plugin to create the backup.
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Hey Ben!

Yeah. Not sure why but WPVivid doesn’t seem to back up in the correct tree structure :man_shrugging:

  1. Why didn’t I think of that
  2. I think I tried that once and couldn’t get it to work.
  3. Tried that but it threw up an error so gave up.

I’ll stick to #1 :slight_smile:


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