Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.
Hi [nickc]
Yes My windows 10 is 32-bit version, so I have to use other version of local. I will try local 8.0.2 May be It can solve my problem.
Thank you for your help.
@shady00071 8.2.1 should work for you. You should not need to downgrade as far as 8.0.2 unless there’s another reason for this.
If you downgraded from 8.3.1 to a lower version and want to run the current site (rather than create a new one) you’ll also need to follow the steps I linked previously under “If you decide to downgrade from Local 8.3.1 to an older version of Local…”.
Browse to This PC → [your hard drive] → Users → [your username] → AppData → Roaming → Local.
Make a backup of the sites.json file (it might just appear as ‘sites’) by duplicating it as sites-backup.json or similar.
Open sites.json in a text editor.
Find and replace ‘mailpit’ with ‘mailhog’.
Find and replace ‘1.12.1’ with ‘1.0.0’.
Save the file and restart Local.
You only need to do this if you want to use your current “Facts & Informations” site with Mailhog after downgrading from Local 8.3.1, though. You can alternatively delete that site and create a new one. Local/Mailhog will work as before without needing to edit your sites.json file.
The error message no longer appears, and the website also does not appear.
There is definitely an error that prevents the site from appearing. Can you help solve that error so that the site appears again?
Please accept my regards, and my apologies for being preoccupied with my problem.
Since the new website opened without any issues could you try cloning or reimporting the site you’re getting errors on?
The steps would look like this:
Locate the site files on your machine, and save a copy of them to your desktop. If you click Go to Site Folder under your site name it should take you right to where they are located.
Once you have those copied, completely delete the site from Local