Unistall Local Lightning

Issue Summary

I have removed Local from Applications and the Local Sites folder. I checked Library/Application Support and don’t see any relevant files. I’ve checked etc/hosts and there are now Local sites there.

However when I install a new instance it’s already connected to my WPEngine host. What am I missing?

Troubleshooting Questions

What am I missing in the uninstall process? Is there any current documentation on how to do this? The last doc is from '17 and explicitly states it isn’t for Local Lightning.


Describe the steps that others can take to replicate this issue. If you have screenshots that can help clarify what is happening, please include them!

System Details


BIgSur 11.2.3

No log file as Local is currently “deleted”

curious too, i feel like a real proper clean re-install might help my current problem. But cant find detail info on how to completely and cleanly uninstall for the current Local app

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