Web Server and Apache question on the Mac

I’ve just started trying out Flywheel on my Mac and it seems very nice in a variety of ways. However, in the latest versions (5.2.3 and 5.2.4) there seems to be no option to choose Apache as the web server. I need to use Apache with my hosting service. And, yes, I have used the “customize” set up.

In one post I read that one could use an older version of Flywhell (3.3, I think) and select Apache as the server. I have no idea how old the 3.3. version is.

So my questions are:

  1. Is Flywheel going to exclude Apache from the Mac version of the app moving forwards?
  2. If not, then is usiing 3.3 the way to go? Assuming that some future version (5.2.5 or later) will re-add the Apache option?

Hi @mitchellm, we’ll be adding support for Apache soon! Vote for that here: https://localwp.canny.io/feature-requests/p/apache-web-server-option

Okay, I voted … but I’m not really seeing the point if it’s going to be added anyways. What practical purpose does that serve?

At any rate, glad it will be coming soon. Any problems using version 3.3. until then?

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