What's the proper way to push from Local to another webhost?

I read that Local can easily push changes to Flywheel or WP Engine. But what’s the best/proper way to push changes to a non supported host (i.e. hostgator, digitalocean, heroku etc.)?

Is it a matter of copying Local wp-content into the production server?

Yes. What I do is copy the contents of wp-content, and do a DB export/import between Local and the live server, then just search-replace the local URL to the live URL.


Shouldn’t a one-click button exist for deploying to DigitalOcean or the like ?
Or add other providers to the list of WPEngine and FlyWheel ?

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Hi @anjanesh - Looks like this comment fell through the cracks but happy to share some more details around Local functionality with other hosts. While it’s true that Local Connect only works with WP Engine and Flywheel, getting your site out of Local is easy and there are many different ways to migrate it to other hosts. More details on all of this in a similar thread below:

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