WordPress Installation Fails and can't connect to Database

This sounds similar to Error: WordPress installation failed + can't connect to database but this is with Local 2.0.6.

If I create a new site from defaults (not from a blueprint), I get “WordPress Installation Failed”. This almost seems to have coincided with WP 4.8.1 release today…

However, that’s not all… I also cant’ seem to create from a blueprint anymore.

However, that’snot all…

For nearly all my old sites I also can’t connect to their db. Sequel Pro just says “make sure you have permission”, but that’s pretty generic, but seems like a user/pass mismatch, OR, seems like the port isn’t working/forwarded.

Trying to visit the sites in a browser shows:
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused in /app/public/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1538

Now, all this coincides with trying (and failing multiple times) importing a fairly large (1.5GB) database… but that’s just one site and now ALL of them aren’t working.

I’ve tried re-downloading Local 2.0.6 and replacing the app, no chage…

I’ve rebooted… I’ve deleted and tried recreating sites… It’s all fubar…

I’ve gone through wiping out Pressmatic and reintalling all my Local sites from scratch, I really don’t want to do that again… especially considering right now it seems like not even that would fix it.

I really feels like a vagrant/mysql/port something or other is suddenly messed up… just not sure how to debug what’s broken…


FYI, this is what I’m referring to. This site is PHP5.6/MySQL 5.6 and was just created and failed… same error as existing sites.

I tried creating a new vagrant machine and it worked flawlessly… only that means manually recreating dozens of sites…

I got into my boot2docker machine
ssh -i ~/.docker/machine/machines/local-by-flywheel/id_rsa docker@

but i don’t see MySql in there running… not sure where to even go from here…

Hey Jon,

It sounds like the Docker Machine may’ve ran out of storage. Pressmatic and early versions of Local have a 20GB cap on the Docker Machine disk. Ever since 2.0 it was raised to 120GB but it didn’t retroactively change the cap due to technical hurdles.

I would try SSHing in before like you did above and then run df -T to check the storage.

If it’s out of space, you can try this: Unable to connect to database on any site previously working working without issue

That may be the case… The machine was about 20GB (vdsk was 17G). However… I swear I’ve already rebuilt this from scratch at least twice on Pressmastic and twice more since Local was release becuase I never could get my old pressmatic sites to play well inside local (wp-config data, sql tables names).

However… I’ve given up and nuked the whole thing… right now going through the “recreate and try to salvage the DBs routine” from How can I restore a site from a Local site folder?

I really wish there was an easier way… to reimport sites…

Also… Feature request #2: ability to delete multiple sites at once… after I started the new VM local was disconnected from 40 sites… right click, delete, yes/no delete files, enter admin password (for hosts update), repeat… repeat… repeat… ugh… even if you cancel the hosts file update it’s still a LOT of pointing clicking and typing to remove orphaned sites.


  1. Those instructions for restoring mostly worked… I did need to stop/start the install. Until having done so /app/sql/ wasn’t actually mounted inside the vm.

  2. After having gotten the DB imported (which used HTTPS) I got a redirect loop and invalid cert…

I’ve tried everything to delete .crts, remove the existing crt from keychain, reauthorize the cert… deleted from /router/ and /routes/… nothing seems to clear it… (multiple browsers including CURL/HTTPIE refuse the connection…

http: error: SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:748) while doing GET request to URL: https://9seeds.dev/

If I set the set to http:// it works perfectly, swtich it back to https:// redirect loop or SSL errors…

How do I “Reset” the local SSL cert for all these?

FYI, I’ve given up… (not on Local, just on trying to “save my data” a convenient way)

FWIW, I also tried restoring a backup of the VM local-by-flywheel to no avail…

So I nuked the entire thing, using AppCleaner to remove Local and all of it’s App support/plist/etc files).

Installed a brand new site and it works fine, even with SSL on. I will now just hand rebuild the dozen or so sites I need right now and the rest as I need them.

No data is lost, it’s just been a wasted effort trying to avoid manually reconstructing sites from the pieces of backups strewn about (git, mysql dumps, time machine, etc…).

Finally, fret not, Local, is still my favorite local dev server. VVV was way more hassle over the years, HGV too… MAMP, Valet and DesktopServer are great, they are all just too locked down for me in terms of config options. Chasis is interesting, but it’s like a neglected step child and doesn’t have Pressmatic/Local’s UX polish… at least not yet…