Working on a website, multiple computers, with same files on external drive?

I’m currently building a website on my desktop iMac and would like to continue working on it using my Mac laptop.

All the files are stored on an external USB drive, so it would be ideal if I could simply switch between my desktop and laptop while keeping the files on the drive. Is it possible to work on the website this way, sharing the same files across both computers without everytime do the export / import when switching a computer?

Hey @BagelBrown

You can save the site files on the USB drive but you’ll still have to export/import each time you work on a new machine. Local won’t automatically “sync” new files and update your site for you accordingly. We have some feature requests floating around for improvements in things like Cloud workflows to make working like this a bit more seamless, but for now it’s still more of a manual process.

Thanks for the info and confirming this. I guess I will keep the project on my laptop and use it from there.

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Sounds good @BagelBrown! If you have any other questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach back out. We are always happy to help!