WP Admin goes straight to 502 Request Error

I’m taking a guided course on how to build WP websites, using Local. The first thing I did after downloading and creating my website name, and username/passowrd, was to click on WP Admin. But every time I click on WP Admin, it goes straight to the 502 Request Error. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling Local, several times. Restarting my computer, refreshing the page, etc. Nothing works. I’ve asked for help from the course guides but they haven’t been able to help with this. I’m running Windows 11, and the newest version of Local. Can someone please help me solve this?

Hi there @NJR1981 - welcome to the Local community! :wave:

Happy to help you out here.

I just want to clarify, what version of Local are you on? The latest one, 6.5.2, just released on November 15th and addressed some issues users were experiencing with 502 errors.

If you happen to not be running Local Version 6.5.2, you can download that from the Releases page:

If you are running 6.5.2 I can take a look at your Local logs and see if we can figure out what’s going on. You can obtain your Local logs using the steps in the following doc:



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