WP Synchro support

I have installed WP Synchro on a site I have built using Local, but get errors when the plugin runs a self test.

After a quick search here on the help forum I discover that there has been problems with this plugin for years.

The following two threads give you all the info on this.

I know this is a direct competitor to your own WP Migrate, but is there any plans to support this plugin?

Or does anyone know how to get this to work with Local.

I could go for WP Migrate, but when I have to get a Plus subscription to get media/plugin transfer, when a basic or standard is all I need in terms of number of sites, I feel it is too expensive.

Hi @endres! Thank you for your feature request. In a direct answer to your question, ā€œis there any plans to support this plugin?ā€ the short version would be no, not at this time. Local is broadly compatible with many themes, plugins, and third-party tools but itā€™s impossible for us to keep it synced up with everything out there. This doesnā€™t have anything to do with WP Migrate but just prioritizing our workload where we can impact the most users. While this plugin may be a great tool, the threads you shared are 3 to 4 years old at this point, and we havenā€™t heard much from other users in terms of interest or issues.

Weā€™re always monitoring the community, however, for requests such as yours for insight into future enhancements. If others come to express interest here in votes, comments, or troubleshooting, that can help impact future roadmaps! So thank you again for getting the ball rolling here, and if you have any other questions or concerns, donā€™t hesitate to reach back out. We are always happy to help!

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Thanks for the feedback, even if it was something other than what I was hoping for.
I hope others will see how useful this plugin is, and vote is up.
Some competition in this space will benefit us all.