@ben.turner ,
I am having the same issue. I had upgraded to 8.3.1XXX and noticed this issue but didn’t see this ticket. This morning I saw a release for Version 8.3.2+6660, so I downloaded it and had the same problems. I wondered if maybe it wasn’t honoring the wildcards so I decided to manually add some in as well and it still doesn’t ignore the files. You can see in the screenshot, that it is trying to upload files that are in the ignore list.
Here is a copy of my push ignore file. You can see I have .prettier*
in the file and I even added individual records for .prettierignore
and .prettierrc
just to make sure it wasn’t liking the *
wildcard option.
.wpe-push-ignore.zip (1.4 KB)
Running macOS 14.2.1