File Changes Not Reflected in Browser

Another Update. More things I tried:

Move theme files to a safe location and pull entire site from develop including DB.

Disconnect site, delete site, remove local application, remove local sites folder, remove local folder from library:

Redownload, reinstall local, reconnect with new API key to WP Engine.

Test that file changes are detected by theme from pull - they are! YAY!

Override existing theme files with reserved theme files.

Test that file changes are being detected - Yes so far! YAY success!

I found this article about caching issues for another user that is very similar to my problem, but they were able to confirm it was an issue with their theme. However, I am not using the same theme and the problem seems to be resolved without any change to my theme files. I am fairly certain that the issue was somewhere in Local caching, but I was unable to discover it.

I will keep this post updated if there are any further developments to share. Thank you for reading :slight_smile: