Add Polypane to list of browsers in Preferences

Please add Polypane to the list of Browser default apps in the Preferences settings area.

Hello @Maguijop - welcome to the Local community! :wave:

Thank you for submitting this feature request!

I’m curious, what browser do you use for Local now since that is not currently a default option?


It’s called Polypane. It’s an app. Very affordable and amazing for developers. I’m hooked on it.

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Hi @Maguijop - sweet, I just looked it up! Very cool.


Hi @Maguijop -

Are you able to set Polypan as your default browser for your computer and then select “System default” in the Local preferences?


Yes that does work but it’s not the browser I want to use as my default for everything. I just want the option to let it be Local’s default browser. Until then, or if that never happens, the workaround is I installed the Polypane extension in my default browser and use it to open the page I want opened in Polypane. Not a problem…it just two extra clicks is all. But if and when it gets added to the preferences, that will save clicks and you know us coders…anything to save clicks. :wink:


@Maguijop -

Totally! The request has been shared with the team :slight_smile:

Have a wonderful weekend,


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I stopped by to make the exact same request.

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Hello @TailoredIT -

Thanks for letting us know - be sure to click “Vote” up above if you haven’t! :point_up_2:
