Dear Sir’s, I’m running my first Local site on windows to develop a WP plugin, and am struggeling with WP throwing 400 Bad Requests when I’m calling Admin Ajax. Not sure if this has to do with Local or if I’m just not doing it rigth. Any suggestions appreciated.
I went through a different sample after creating a new site, and this triggerd the WP php function, so I do expect to find an issue with how I’ve used wp hooks and that it’s not related to Locale as a product
I’m not seeing any errors in your logging that would indicate a Local issue per see as you pointed out. There might be some useful threads about the web that could help you with this after doing some searching. Here were my results
Nick, really appreciate you spending time on this. Just wanted you to know that I refactored my code after I managed to get simple sample running, and with succcess my plugin actions are running as expected in Local. Basically I did not register the wp hook correctly (and was unsure if Local was to blame).