I built a site in WP with Elementor + Woo Commerce - it’s 500MB - Their limit on a multi-site sever is 256MB. So none of the migration plugins work. That leaves FTP and php MyAdmin. I tried that route multiple times with no luck. I enjoyed using Local, but it seems like it doesn’t make sense.
Has anyone had success going from Local to Siteground?
What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc
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Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.
I’m confused about the size and may need some clarification. Are you saying that is the limit for them to migrate a multisite? Or that your multisite install can’t be larger than 256MB? Or is that just a limit on uploading file sizes elsewhere? 256-500 MB is really not that large so I’m just confused where the issue is.
Generally speaking, migrating from Local to Siteground shouldn’t be too complicated. Many Local users rely on them for hosting, but I’m unsure of the nuances related to multisite migrations to their platform.
My site that I’m trying to upload is a single Wordpress site. Originally it was 488MB as it was built with Woo Commerce plus a few more plugins and not that many images, but some, anyway, it was 488 MB. Agreed, not that large.I had no idea there would be limitation on the upload size, which at SiteGround, cannot be over 256 MB. You can ftp a site up that’s larger but that involves moving the site + database and some reconfiguring once up. I’ve not been able to make that work - meaning I’ve done everything I could to upload the site structure via ftp and the database via phpMy Admin and then change some code snippets. Can’t get the site to work.
Sorry that part confused me and I thought you said you were trying to move a multisite.
I don’t see anything about a size limit on their migration pages below:
You might try reaching out to Siteground directly to see how best to proceed. Since you’re going to be paying them for hosting their support might be able to help more directly.
When I said multisite, I meant shared hosting plans, sorry.
However, I’m way down the line on this, I’ve spent hours on the phone and on chats with SiteGround, have read all their knowledge base articles including the ones above. They do indeed have a 256MB limit on site uploads using something like All-in-One Migration or any other migration plugin. Their Migration assistant, shown above, does not work - stated right on the tool link - with local servers.
Note, as an experiment, I pared back the site to 244MB and tried to use All-In-One Migration again. That failed as well, upload stalled out almost immediately and would not progress past 1% or so. I contacted Servmask (maker of All-In-One) support and they told me you need 3 times your upload availability (244 x 3 = 732MB)! Anyway, I’m hours and maybe days into this and I am just going to rebuild on Siteground staging server… really sucks!