Apple Silicon M1 native support

To provide an update on progress, the latest Local Release v8.3.1 includes Mailpit, the replacement for Mailhog. This contains a native binary for Apple Silicon that we have bundled, removing one of Local’s remaining dependencies on Rosetta 2 for Apple Silicon users. Rosetta 2 is still required, but we’re chipping away.


Any updates on this, now that this year’s WWDC is behind us?


We’re working on bundling a Silicon version of nginx in Local next.

We have tickets for the remaining Intel-specific binaries in Local too. So this is still on our roadmap — thanks for your patience.


Now that a beta of Local 9.1.0 has the native nginx, am I correct that MySQL is the only remaining Intel software within the Apple Silicon build of Local? Any idea how long before an update brings about a native MySQL? I truly believe that those two pieces of software (nginx and MySQL inside Local) may be the only ones relying on Rosetta 2 on my Mac, so am kinda eager (despite the lack of detriment that they’ve been) to get both updated.


…am I correct that MySQL is the only remaining Intel software within the Apple Silicon build of Local?

The remaining Intel binaries still present in 9.1.0 are:

  • MySQL (we’re working on bundling an Apple Silicon version of this now and hope to ship in the next release after 9.1).
  • rsync (Local bundles a newer version of rsync and ssh than Apple ships with macOS for features used by Local Connect. Local’s ssh binary is already universal, but we need to update the rsync binary for Apple Silicon).
  • Apache (not shipped with Local, but we need to provide an Apple Silicon version for download in case macOS users select Apache as their web server before we can truly consider Local to be Silicon-native).
  • The sudo-prompt applet. (When Local asks for your permission to write to /etc/hosts, it currently launches an Intel binary password prompt provided by the third-party sudo-prompt library. That library is no longer maintained, but we have some ideas to replace it with something that won’t require an Intel binary. Until we do that work, Local under Apple Silicon will need Rosetta to spawn the password prompt.)

We plan to work through this list until Local is fully Silicon native (although it’s not our only focus). Thanks for your patience, and it’s good to hear that it hasn’t been too big a detriment in the meantime.