Automatically duplicated posts. What’s happening?

Hello, I have been using Local for over a week to develop a theme for my cinema portal. I am experiencing an issue with the articles on a page. Basically, I decided that only articles from the “artists” category should be displayed on that page. So, I added an element that allows me to display only posts from that category. However, the posts are duplicated, even though everything seems to be in place and the posts shouldn’t be duplicated.
This morning, I installed an update and the problem magically resolved. Unfortunately, in the evening, I experienced the same issue again with duplicated posts. I deleted the page, recreated it, and used GRID POST this time. Same problem. So, I closed Local and reopened it, reloaded the site, but… the problem persists.
Any ideas on how to solve it?

System: OSX Sonoma (last update)
Local version: last

I solved it by deleting the page and recreating it from scratch. I hope this solution will help someone else with the same problem as me.
However, the question remains as to why this happened.

Hey there,
Have you checked for conflicts with plugins or your theme? Try clearing the site cache or resetting permalinks. If it keeps happening, reach out to support forums or the theme/plugin developer for help. Hang tight!

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Hi @Spyro70! Thank you for reaching out and also following up to share how you fixed the issue. I would agree with @benjamin1, that generally, this type of thing is going to be due to some configuration change within the theme or a plugin, not necessarily some type of conflict with the Local app specifically.

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