Bug - Request Error 502

Bonjour je travaille sur Mac BookPro 2015 et j’utilise Local by Flywheel depuis quelques mois. Tout allait bien jusqu’à ce que je fasse la mise à jour systeme vers Catalina. Oups ! Catalina c’est la Cata(strophe).
A l’aide des Apple Advisers j’ai downgradé ma machine et suis retournée à la version Mojave 10.14.6.

Seulement voilà ! depuis mon appli préférée pour héberger en local mes sites ne fonctionne plus !!!
J’ai fait quelques screen shots pour vous montrer ce qui s’affiche.

Je suis convaincue que la communauté saura comment me transmettre les bonnes infos pour que Local by Flywheel fonctionne de nouveau et que je puisse continuer mon travail.

Au plaisir de vous lire.


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Hi there,

At least, it seems like is missing your wp-config.php file in your WordPress site folder.

Hi there,

Thanks for your feedback.

Could you tell me what I need to do, to make the wp-config.php file appear in the WordPress site folder ?

Looking forward to your response.



If your site is a clean installation:

-You can download your WordPress version from WordPress Releases

-Extract the content in any folder you want.

-Copy the original wp-config.php from that extracted version to your site with the error.

-Edit with any text editor you want, and make sure you edit these lines, as default values are:

/** The name of the database for WordPress */

define( ‘DB_NAME’, ‘local’ );

/** MySQL database username */

define( ‘DB_USER’, ‘root’ );

/** MySQL database password */

define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’ );

/** MySQL hostname */

define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ );

Once you have done, start your site.

Hi !

Thanks so much for your response.

May I ask you if Local by Flywheel works with Catalina for Mac ?

Or if not, when it will run with ?

Thank you.

Looking forward to you




I don’t know, I don’t usually work with Mac, but take a look on this forum, it seems it runs correctly.

Will run? If not, I can’t say cause I don’t belong to the Flywheel Team.


I am using Local 5.x with Catalina without issues.

She asked about Local by Flywheel, the original version I think, which requires VirtualBox to virtualize machine.

Any idea about that version?

WoW, thank’s devgabri, you’re super reactive.

Best regards


Le ven. 15 nov. 2019 à 18:26, devgabri via Local by Flywheel local@getflywheel.com a écrit :

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I just spun up Local by Flywheel 3.3.0 and yes it does work just fine under Catalina.

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Thanks @afragen for your info.

Thanks too @Emmanuelle , may be you should try Local 5.x, although it is in beta, you avoid using virtual machines.

Thank you Andy Fragen for you response.

Incredible ! The Apple advisers asked me Local by FLywheel could not run because the app is 32 bits and Catalina is only ok with app 64bits !:face_with_monocle:. That why I downgrade my machine !!

I really don’t understand what the matter is with my computer ? I’m still looking how to do to run it well.

Thank you Andy.

Best regards


Emmanuel, you should ensure that you are using the most current version of Local by Flywheel 3.x and VirtualBox 6.x

You may need to manually update VirtualBox to the latest version from their website.


j’ai le meme problème que Emmanuelle. Cependant, je ne comprends pas ce qu’il faut que j’écrive dans le code :

/** The name of the database for WordPress */

define( ‘DB_NAME’, ‘local’ );

/** MySQL database username */

define( ‘DB_USER’, ‘root’ );

/** MySQL database password */

define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’ );

/** MySQL hostname */

define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ );

Pouvez vous m’aidez ?