I read every post on the topic, but I still can’t get Local to run smoothly. I get a +15s page load, this is just unusable for development.
I restarted the Local machine, restarted the computer, allowed winsfd in the Defender firewall, activated ipv6 and faster docker volumes, etc…
I really can’t see what the problem is, but more than 10 seconds to navigate makes developping super painful.
Can you help please ?
Hi, do you have any idea/help to solve this issue ?
I’m running 3.0.4.
I tried creating an exception for WinNFSd.exe, disabling Windows Defender Firewall altogether, restarting the local machine, restarting the computer, and Faster Docker Volumnes and IPv6 loopback are enabled.
Still consistently getting 10s page load, for 0.25s queries.
Please, it’s impossible to work on local right now !
Can you help !
Thanks a lot !
Sigh. Ever since a few updates back Flywheel has been completely unusable. Tried everything that has been written here on the forums to no avail.
Such a shame for a product that used to be so fantastic.
Will have to move on to another way of local hosting.
Thank you for the time you worked Flywheel! It was lovely!
the lack of reply from support on these issues is somewhat disturbing
I forgot to provide logs.
I do have errors and it asks to run a command in the terminal.
It doesn’t work in standard windows cmd, does in Powershell with an unexpected token ‘env’ error, and runs without any error nor feedback in a bash shell.
However, even after running it and restarting local, I still get this error in the logs.
I’m not a terminal specialist, so I’m not able to really figure out what’s wrong here.
local-by-flywheel.log (6.7 KB)
What else can I do ?
the only usable version on win10 / 16gb ram / 512ssd/ i7-4th gen is the version 2.4.6!
I still using it with pleasure and i will not update local to any other version or time between click and page response is always over 10-15 seconds! really unusable for developing!
You suggest I should downgrade ?
2.4.6 is far away, no ?
The lack of official support is indeed disturbing.
Anyway I’m running 3.0.2 on a Windows10 machine without problem. Version 2.4.6 is not very old (it was released in Nov 18), but I think downgrading from 3.x to 2.4.6 is not that straightforward.
Have you tried disabling “Faster Docker Volumes”? Despite its name, suggesting it speeds up things, this can cause problems.
Yes, I have tried with and without the option. It doesn’t change anything.
I tried disabling Windows Defender. No noticeable change.
I tried to change the domain extansion on local site. Nothing changed either.
I really don’t know what to do.
Any advice on how to install older versions.
I’ve tried Local in the past (2 yrs ago) and abandoned when it was just too slow. I tried this week and found it just the same.
Hi again,
I tested again on a fresh install.
It’s pretty fast.
So I guess this has to do with the size of the website : nb of plugins, etc…
Do you have an idea regarding how I can accelerate file access ?
Any way, It’s weird the the difference is so huge. Less than an second on an empty site vs 10s on a normal site (a dozen plugin max).
Thanks !
So yea…I’m out. This is just silly. Even the idea that we should have to install a version from end of last year is just dumb. I work in QA for a software company and to think that my users would need to install a version from 4 months ago…the dev team is not doing their job and the CS for this product sucks at best. No one from CS has even seen this thread and it’s a month old. That’s just sad.
I just went through a new theme that i WAS going to start working on and had a 25sec page load to the upgrades page and a 12sec page load from that page to All Pages…that’s too much. I’d rather pay the money to Namecheap and have a dedicated space to build my site then point my domain to it when i’m ready.
And if CS ever sees this…you should reach out to every single one of us on here and make sure this product is working the way that it is supposed to…you will NOT make it with no CS.
That’s too bad no one from the official team can help me, because as I browse the forum here I can tell a lot of Windows user are having this issue.
I tried a lot of the provided answer, but nothing worked.
I hope they’ll have time and eventually answer because it’s a good product and I’m sure it’s just a matter of windows config getting modified on update.
Recently the computers in my house disappeared from view on my local network, because a windows update deactivated the Samba service. So It took some digging to find out the problem, but the solution was so simple : reactivate Samba.
I’m sure this is something of that order.
Does anyone have any tips/suggestions ?
I really struggle with that !
Thanks !
Please help !
I feel your pain Vincent - real shame that we cannot get this rectified by Flywheel.
I’ll chime in again re: my experiences with LbF. As I described above I was using version 3.0.2. Out of the blue, it started to give an error which I think was related to Faster Docker Volumes. And I thought: that’s strange, why would it suddenly have those errors? Until I realized I had updated Windows10 the day before. Hm, could that be it? Anyway, updated to 3.0.4 (the manual way, as I always do, but is explicitly recommended for this latest version).
Hm, still problem with Faster Docker Volumes. Remember that this feature is in beta, so I disabled it.
Right, working now! Although I’m still wondering why Faster Docker Volumes gave no errors before, I don’t really care.
Because, I don’t see a huge difference in speed turning this on or off. Where I do see the difference is with a simple, newly set up website with a standard theme (fast) and a website with a complicated non-standard theme and lots of plug-ins (referring to a local copy of a client’s website I’m working on to ‘optimize’ and that’s to be honest a nightmarish website with regards to speed, but that’s not LbF"s fault).
So, no, you don’t need to install an older version to get LbF working and fast. The newest version works, too, in my experience.
But there’s one thing I never trusted: the ‘build-in’ update process. I don’t trust programs updating themselves while they’re running. Don’t ask me why, I just don’t. I have always updated LbF the manual way: meaning closing the app completely, downloading the latest .exe version, clearing and restarting the system (just in case something was still active) and only then overwriting the files simply running that latest .exe (this is for Windows, obviously).
My 2 cents…
I tried uninstalling/restarting/re-installing Local manually. Didn’t work …
Hey ya’ll! Have you tried the solution here: Super Slow on Windows 10 ?