Local is running very slow on Windows 10


Lately websites are running very very, very slow. I’m pulling sites from Flywheel which run perfectly normal but on Local they barely load, eventually leading to a 502 Request Error.

I tried reseting the website, reseting Local, restarting my computer, no improvements.
I enabled and disabled Faster Docker Volumes & IPv6 Loopback, no improvements.

I’m using the latest version Local and VirtualBox.

The most recent changes are the update to VirtualBox and the deletion of 10+ websites from Local. Now only have 2 sites and they almost never load, compared to the live site which works just fine.

What can I do?

error.log (35.3 KB)
local-by-flywheel.log (817.2 KB)

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Hi @catalin,

Sorry for the slow down!

I appreciate the log files. I’m certainly seeing some interesting things in the nginx error.log file. Is there any way you can also retrieve the Local site’s PHP error log?

Hi @clay,

Here is the php error log file: error.log (2.4 MB)

Wow, that error.log has a ton of notices. Unfortunately it’s still tough to see what’s going on.

Is the site using the “Preferred” or “Custom” environment?

Can you try exporting the site from Local (right-click on it in the sidebar and go to “Export”) and then re-import it using the Environment that it’s not currently using? To import the exported site, drag-and-drop the exported archive onto Local’s main window.