Change Admin E-Mail

When I was setting up Local, I left the default Email, dev-email@flywheel.local, in the box. I need to change it to my Email. I am in the ADMIN - General Setting Email Address window. When I enter the correct Email I get:
This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.
“There is a pending change of the admin email to Correct Email . [Cancel]”
I have enter it three times. I have been waiting for one hour for the email to be sent to me to confirm.
How can my change my Email address? Thank you for your help.

If this is within a Local managed site, then the email will never actually be sent. Because Local is a development environment, it captures all the emails that WordPress sends, so you’ll need to read those emails using the “Mailhog” tool found under “Utilities” in Local.

The process should be similar to the one outlined in this FAQ:

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