Change the Site Path setting on a site

Is it possible to change the Site Path setting in Local to a folder inside the root folder of the site? Instead of /Users/user/Sites/Site-Name -> /Users/user/Sites/Site-Name/folder

I need to have the root domain of the site resolve to a folder inside the root app/public folder that Local creates. Experimenting with a different setup for WP that is based on the Roots theme.

Possible to change that??

Any thoughts on this?

Still wondering if this is possible.

Hi @mikemuller,

See How to install bedrock with Local by Flywheel

The key is editing the nginx or Apache configuration in the site’s conf directory. If you’re using the Preferred environment, you will need to switch this site to Custom in order to see the conf directory.

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I’m following this topic in several posts, since I use Deep Freeze on disk C and I can not find a way to install the program in another directory.
I really do not understand how something so requested by other users and simple, does not take place.
While I will continue using Laragon

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