Changing Site Name, local server access and uploading to a different host

@atempel’s answer in Can I give remote access to my WP Admin with Flyxheel Local? - Support - Local Community is spot on for this. I know you’ve already seen it, but I’m linking it for others :slight_smile:

The site domain (and optionally the site name) can and will be changed when migrating from Local to your host of choice. If you use Flywheel, this is automatically handled for you when you Push and Pull the site.

If you use a different host, your best bet is to use a plugin such as Duplicator to create a backup of your Local site. Once the backup is done, you can upload the package (their word for a backup) created by Duplicator as well as the installer.php to your host using [S]FTP.

Here’s a great video that goes through that process with Duplicator:

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