Connection Error to FlyWheel, Can't Push Sites

Issue Summary

Cannot push any sites to FlyWheel with constant “TIMEOUT” errors in Local logs to FlyWheel. Was working up until about 3 days ago.

Troubleshooting Questions

This happens on all sites, sometimes it loads files but failes processing. Sometimes I fails to even pull my site list. All result in the same error “CONNECTION TIMEOUT” in logs.

I have turned off all other programs, including Windows firewall and anti-virus. Done clean installs of Local and everything.

System Details

Windows 11
Local 6.1.3

local-lightning.log (43.5 KB)

Have you tried changing your IP address e.g. with a VPN?

I suddenly was unable to push sites as of 1 week ago, and I tried everything to fix it, and the only thing that worked was changing my IP with a VPN. I can only assume that my IP was firewalled for some unknown reason, although when I contacted Flywheel they said it wasn’t in a blacklist.

Hopefully it can be fixed with a patch soon though!

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@ebw_hkotrolos Welcome to the Local Community Forums!

Can you try @timostsauber 's suggestion of using a VPN?

If that does work, can you reach out to Flywheel’s hosting support so that they can get additional details about your account and network?

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