Unable to Push/Upload to Flywheel

I spent about 10 days working on my site on Local ready to publish/push it - but no luck. The app goes through the process of uploading the site 1: Backing Up Flywheel site (which takes a long time), then after a few hours it says it has all failed.

The site is 3.1GB in size so I don’t think that could be the issue.

I’d really like it online so if anyone can help, I’m all ears!


[Replied via e-mail]

I’ve had a similar issue. Working with a particular site that gives me “Uh-Oh! Error Pushing Site” message.
I’ve even tried disconnection from Flywheel, and redownloading my site. When I try to push this site, it errors.
Can you offer any solutions to this?

Hi @ryanh,

Sorry for the delay!

Have you tried pushing to that site lately? If it’s still having trouble, can you please private message me the site name/domain so I can take a closer look into it?

Have just tried today and all seems to be working perfectly! Thanks to the Local team!

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