Database Error on new M1 MacBook Pro

I recently got a new m1 mac book pro. I moved my install from my old mac book pro and now I can’t access the local database. How can I fix this?

Hey @bcorchiolo – Welcome to the Local Community Forums!

Whenever transferring things to a new computer, the best way to do that is to export the sites from the original machine by right-clicking on the site in Local and selecting “Export.” This will give you a zip file that you can move to the new machine and import by dragging and dropping the file onto Local.

The reason that you can’t just copy the Local Sites folder is that you’ll also need the raw server files (ie, the actual database and server configs) that are found in the Local configuration folder.

If you still have access to the old machine, I’d recommend exporting the sites and importing on the target machine.

If you don’t have access to the old machine, you can try using a backup of the site, or try using the files for the site by following the steps outlined in the “Restoring From Only Local Site files” section of this help doc:

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