It’s filled in for all other sites except this one, which was the first one I’ve tried importing. The site itself works great and has no problems, so I assume there’s something else that might be going on there?
It pulls this info from app/public/wp-config.php. My guess is that this site is using something like phpdotenv or simply doesn’t have wp-config.php in that path.
If you’re curious this is the regex for DB_NAME (USER, PASSWORD, HOST all follow the same format): /['"]DB_NAME['"], ['"](.+)['"]/g
If it’s the case that it’s grabbing it from wp-config.php, I suggest instead of blank that it offer some helpful information like ‘Not found in wp-config.php’ or something.
Perhaps, it could at least show the root information it created/imported the site with? I went to this database section thinking I’d see the database info I needed to use to connect to the DB, so maybe at minimum it could show Remote Host and Remote Port?